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Cybersecurity Best Practices
It is smart to learn about cyber-security best practices. If you educate yourself about the small things that contribute to cyber-security, it can go a long way toward helping to protect you self, your friends and your workplace.
You can have the best security software, the most expensive electronic (Security Cameras, Laptops, Smart-Phones), but your actions play a big part in helping to keep data safe.
Consider this:
A single mistake by sharing information on your smartphone or clicking on a corrupt link in your computer, could lead to a data breach and release your private information as SSN, Birthday, Mailing Address, Bank or Credit Card Information, Usernames, Password from financial institutions and much more.
Cyber-security best practices start with being cautious when engaging in online activities, is important to reaching out for help when you encounter something suspicious.
Below are some of the most common Cyber-security Best practice that everyone should know and follow.

Cyber-Security Best Practices
Protect your Data:
Avoid sharing personally identifiable information (PII) like your Social Security number, credit card number, Birthday, mailing Address when answering an unsolicited email, phone call, text message, or instant message. It is important to exercise the same caution at work. Keep in mind that cyber-criminals can create email addresses and websites that look legitimate. Scammers can fake caller ID information. Hackers can even take over company social media accounts and send seemingly legitimate messages​
Avoid pop-ups, unknown emails, and links:
Phishers prey on naive users in hopes they will open pop-up windows or other malicious links or attachment that could have viruses, spyware and other type of malware embedded in them. That is why it is important to be cautious of links and attachments in emails from senders you do not recognize. With just one click, you could enable hackers to control your computer and smartphone.
Here it is a golden rule to follow:
NEVER EVER enter personal information in response to an email, pop-up web-page, or any other form of communication you did not initiate. Phishing can lead to identity theft. It is also the way most ransomware attacks occur.
Use strong password protection and authentication:
Strong, complex passwords can help stop cyber-criminals from accessing your information. Simple passwords can make access easy. If a cyber-criminal figures out your password, it could give them access to your computer, smartphone, security cameras and more. Creating unique, complex passwords is essential.
A strong password contains at least 12 characters and includes numbers, symbols, and capital and lowercase letters. Also, you should change your passwords on a regular basis. Changing and remembering all of your passwords may be challenging.
You also can enable the multi-factor authentication when you try to access important services as Financial Institutions, Security Cameras.
This adds a second layer of protection by asking you to take at least one extra step and providing a temporary code that is sent to your smartphone or personal email before you can log in.
Implementing this Multi Factor authentication can help you to identify an early stage of cyber-criminal attack, if you receive an Multi-factor authentication code without login in your services, you will know that is an active attempt to use you login credential.
If the Multi-Factor authentication code is no used, the login will be denied, and you have the opportunity to take a precautionary measure and perform an password change/reset before your information or service access is been compromise.